Podcasting has become an increasingly popular medium for businesses to build their brand and connect with audiences. However, launching a successful podcast requires more than just recording and uploading episodes. Many podcasts fail to gain traction and reach their target audience, leaving business owners wondering what went wrong.

Below, a panel of members share essential tips for podcasting successfully. By following these tips, businesses can maximize the potential of podcasting as a marketing tool to achieve their goals.

1. Use The ‘Other People's Audience’ Strategy

Other People’s Audience (OPA) is the fastest strategy to build your podcast and an audience. Host guests with a healthy following on social media, on their email lists or YouTube. Invest in a beautiful video version of the podcast, chop the video into short 30-second highlights clips and tag your guest. They will be proud of the result, share it and their followers will begin to follow you and the podcast. - ,

2. Add Short-Form Videos To Engage The Audience

Plan around viral moments and short-form videos. Short, snackable videos can go viral on TikTok, YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels (among other platforms) and can be the catalyst for long-term success. If your strategy is based on creating 10- to 60-second moments that will engage, your podcast will gain traction much faster. Think in terms of headlines, hooks and big reveals. How can you gear the conversation toward snappy, valuable snippets that will appeal to a broader audience? If you find and film those nuggets in every episode, people will engage with your show. - ,

3. Release Episodes Regularly

Having consistent releases at regular times is my No. 1 recommendation for a successful podcast. In order for you to attract and retain listeners, frequent episode releases are necessary. Additionally, having a set schedule allows you to plan ahead and make content that is both engaging and relevant to your audience. Consistency can also help your podcast rank higher in search results, making it easier for new listeners to discover your content. - ,


4. Be Relatable

I would say that relatability is one of the strongest attributes you need to incorporate in your podcast. You need to be able to share relatable experiences, weave them into the latest trend or news item or mention anecdotes that are well-known and relatable to your listeners. An example would be referencing pop culture—maybe a well-known series that you've recently watched that is the talk of the town and has some good points that you can relate to in your topic. This will help bridge the gap between you and your listeners and make things easier to understand and more digestible for them. - ,

5. Be Flexible Enough To Consider New Ideas

Be flexible. You may have to try different things, tap into different niches and explore diverse genres until you finally figure out what works for you. So, for me, the key to success here is trial and error. Despite all your research and planning, there can be a lapse of judgment. So, don't make your first decision the last. If you're unable to find success targeting your current niche despite all your efforts, then be flexible enough to drop the idea and consider other focus areas that show potential. If something is not working out for you, consider the possibility that maybe it's not meant to be and move on. - ,

6. Prioritize Quality

As with any content type, make sure you prioritize quality. Quality over quantity. High-quality podcasts are always going to set you up for success. That includes everything from the topic itself to the audio and business model. Focusing on quality will help you be even more appealing to paying advertisers, for example. While the costs might feel hefty right out the gate, it’s worth investing in quality recording equipment from day one. It will not only save you time in post-production, but it will also show your audience you’re serious about producing great podcasts that are easy and enjoyable to listen to. The little details matter. - ,

7. Promote Your Podcast

You can create the best podcast out there, but it doesn't matter if no one knows it exists. A successful podcast doesn't just include interesting and engaging content, it is also marketed well. Promoting your podcast on your social media channels and in your company newsletters is a great first step. Asking your podcast guests to cross-promote on their own channels is another great way to drive audience growth. Finally, ensure that your podcast is optimized for search. You can do this by optimizing the show's description, episode titles and show notes, syndicating it to Google Podcasts, crafting blog posts around each episode (and making sure the article is also optimized for search) and planning episodes around the most frequently searched phrases and keywords in your industry. - ,

8. Keep The Episode Length Concise And Entertaining

Keep the length in mind. Holding your audience's attention is essential to a successful podcast episode. Most listeners are multitasking while tuning into a podcast, so their attention span is much less. Because of this, it’s necessary to keep things concise and entertaining. Long-form conversations tend to contain unnecessary content that distracts from the core of the message; cut out the fluff and give them just enough information for their brains to stay stimulated without becoming overwhelmed. Building effective podcasts starts with understanding what captures an audience's interest. Make sure your episodes are punchy yet engaging. "Ten-Minute Masterpieces" will keep everyone wanting to tune in without the show dragging on for long. - ,

9. Select A Niche That Aligns With Your Capabilities And Interests

You can make your podcast a success by selecting a niche that aligns with your capabilities and your interests. This helps you create content that generates value and remain consistent, which is the key to keeping the needle moving against all odds. Targeting a niche that resonates with your skills and passion enables you to clearly identify your audience and consistently produce relevant content that's both informative and engaging without having to experience burnout as you enjoy what you do. - ,

10. Make Sure Podcast Guests Are Prepared

A podcast can only be successful when its guests are set up for success. If it makes sense, share questions ahead of time or share a loose outline to guide the conversation so the guest can be prepared with really valuable commentary. Provide them with materials for cross-promotion and make sure all parties are on board with the marketing plan. Overall, ensuring your guest has all the resources they need before coming onto your podcast will improve the chances of them being more relaxed, more trusting and more able to give you great content. - ,