In its near-decade of existence, Ethereum has experienced remarkable evolution, yet it's only recently that significant advancements have been made in addressing its pressing scalability challenges. The new rollup-centric roadmap is scaling Ethereum today, but its eventual completion may see the blockchain take a completely different form in a few years.

Ethereum scalability became an important talking point almost as soon as the blockchain went live in 2015. As the first generation smart contract blockchain, it has succeeded in generating tremendous adoption for this new form of computation. But in times of high activity, its performance limitations became apparent, resulting in congestion and high transaction fees.

Rollup technologies, such as optimistic rollups and zk-rollups, have been designed to offload execution from the Ethereum mainnet to the rollups, enabling numerous rollups to handle vast amounts of computation without congesting the Ethereum main chain.

The rollup-centric roadmap fully emerged in 2020 as the new, more mature solution to scalability. At its core lies a new idea of separating consensus from the execution of the blockchain’s transactions — centralizing, in a sense, the consensus on the main Ethereum chain, and “off-loading” the computation elsewhere. However, offloading via rollups is not the only challenge; Ethereum also faces limited storage and interoperability issues.

The upcoming “proto-danksharding” is set to introduce a new type of optimized and temporary storage in the Ethereum blockchain called a “blob,” which is specifically designed to be used by rollups. Unlike other types of data, the EVM cannot directly process it, though it can verify that it has been included.


There are still limits to how much data could be stored inside Ethereum. Consequently, new ideas on how to borrow its security properties without using the blockchain itself are emerging. EigenLayer is currently the most well-positioned protocol aiming to do just that with its re-staking . In a nutshell, Ethereum stakers would be able to subscribe to secure services such as a data availability layer through the EigenLayer modules, receiving extra rewards from this activity.

The last missing piece is interoperability: ensuring that applications hosted at different rollups, layers and components can communicate efficiently with each other. A large number of bridges and interoperability solutions have emerged to take on this responsibility: Wormhole, Axelar, DeBridge, Hyperlane to name just a few. But it will be some time before these protocols live up to their full potential.

If all execution has been offloaded from the Ethereum mainnet to rollups, what remains, and why is Ethereum still needed? What is Ethereum's true value? The answer lies in security, i.e. the immutable and ever-growing ledger protected by the ETH consensus protocol. Security is Ethereum's primary value, and the effort to scale Ethereum can be viewed as solving the problem of sharing security from the Ethereum main chain to all these rollups while increasing scalability.

In this vision, Ethereum would become a shared security layer for multitudes of rollups and services, which would rely on the value and security of Ethereum without sharing the limitations of its blockchain’s capacity. Such an approach supercharges the principle of separating consensus from execution, potentially making huge strides in scalability for blockchains overall.