Patricia Thaine, CEO of .

One voice we do not hear very often in the conversation on the risks and benefits of generative AI is that of teens and children. With the prevalence of these tools in browsers and apps that kids use, we need to make sure that the particular concerns around this age group don't get neglected.

This article seeks to inform technology and business leaders about the specific challenges of AI use among children and the steps that can be taken to ensure their safety. We focus on two pressing issues: plagiarism and cyberbullying.


Plagiarism is easier than ever with generative AI, as it can do a student's homework in a matter of seconds. All of a sudden, everyone can produce reasonably high-quality writing regardless of skill or research effort. Besides, since a tool's output will often differ despite identical inputs, students may feel fairly safe when passing the output off as their own work.

Journalist Geoffrey Fowler in The Washington Post that when he posed as a student and was fully transparent as he asked Snapchat's My AI tool to write an essay for class, it still complied and added best wishes for a good grade.


Aside from serious consequences for a student's future when caught plagiarizing, the real concern is that this technology will prevent children from developing sophisticated research, writing and argumentation skills.

Still, this tech is here to stay. What can be done?

• Educational partnerships. Tech companies have a unique opportunity to work with educational systems to develop new curricula that teach digital literacy. For instance, a curriculum module on understanding machine-generated content can be designed to help educators identify and address plagiarism.

• Parental education. Companies can develop easily accessible online resources or even courses to educate parents on how to discuss plagiarism with their children. The focus here is not just on deterrence but also on educating families about the ethical use of AI.


One of the most serious harms that technology can be (mis)used for is to cyberbully children. Producing cyberbullying attacks with the help of generative AI and other AI tools can exacerbate the harm done to children online.

For one, a sense of responsibility for the tool's output may be lessened compared to content created manually. Secondly, the ease of creation can be a real curse since techniques such as deepfake images and voice generation have an endless potential of embarrassing, emotionally abusing and outright torturing children and teens. The ability to create images, videos or voice recordings with content limited only by one's imagination and making them look and sound like they're accurate representations of someone's behavior or speech is one of the scariest use cases.

In the hands of bullies, it is a recipe for a hellish high school experience. In the meantime, it has been shown time and time again that companies are struggling to create reliable guardrails preventing the misuse of these tools. Despite security safeguards put in place to protect against harmful output, many users are discovering and sharing strategies to circumvent them.

For tech leaders, here's a possible course of action to protect children from such harms:

• Ethical algorithms. Invest in research to develop AI models capable of detecting cyberbullying patterns in real time on platforms used by children such as messaging apps, social networks or generative AI tools. This involves not just recognizing offensive words but understanding the context in which they're used. As soon as bullying behavior is detected, the system could take various actions like sending a warning to the offender, notifying the platform administrators or even alerting the parents. The presence of such a system could act as a deterrent, making potential bullies reconsider their actions if they know their words are being monitored.

• Community outreach. Companies could organize forums and workshops where experts can speak to parents and teachers about the potential risks and safeguards against cyberbullying. Creating a safer digital environment isn't a solo endeavor; it requires a community.

• Collaborative safeguards. Tech companies should explore partnerships with organizations specializing in child psychology and online safety. Through these collaborations, they can design and implement more effective barriers against the misuse of AI technologies.


The challenges posed by generative AI in the realms of plagiarism and cyberbullying are substantial but surmountable. Tech leaders are not mere spectators; they are key players with the resources and know-how to enact meaningful change. From forging educational partnerships to spearheading community outreach programs, the opportunities for positive intervention are immense.

This is not just about developing smarter, more ethical AI tools but about cultivating a generation that can use these tools wisely. We have a collective responsibility to guide the hand that holds the smartphone, ensuring that our children navigate this complex digital landscape safely and ethically.

In the future, I plan on discussing further issues of misinformation and disinformation, age-inappropriate advice, and how to address child-specific privacy concerns arising from the use of generative AI tools by children—and what the tech industry can do to address these issues.

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