Leaders continue to use engagement or ‘climate’ surveys to understand where their team is at. And those using them well currently are then translating those findings into actions to shift the dial. Employed clumsily, however, and the engagement survey can be a serious source of frustration for your people, and we’re seeing this too.

If you’re the employee getting asked for feedback and you give it, you want to see and experience the meaningful change. Today, there is such a dizzying choice of platforms to garner the feedback of a workforce, making it easier than ever to get the collective pulse of your team. The tech, as we know however, is only as good as the human beings using it.

What’s worse than not asking your employees how they are feeling? It’s asking them how they’re feeling and then doing nothing in response. Imagine that your employer asks for your thoughts and then you get radio silence. This is the fast lane to disenchantment in a team.

If you’re this manager, you may circle back eventually, three or four months down the line. Today, however, with the world of work changing at a rapid speed, three to four months is an age. To retain the trust of your team in the process, feedback needs to be part of a dynamic loop of continuous improvement, in which the action plan is reviewed and findings fed back into the process of engagement.

The second problem with engagement or staff surveys is that they fail to encourage a culture of continual dialogue, day by day. Workplace issues, such as anxieties about job security or breakdowns in communication between departments, can quickly undermine performance. If we routinely engage on a daily basis, if the lines of communications are always open, then we can respond in a timely fashion.


Organisations too often see the staff survey as the engagement box ticked. The idea behind the engagement survey as is on paper a sound one; it can enhance communication between management and staff, give employees a voice and reduce social distance between management and employees. Fully engaged leaders, however, have an ongoing dialogue with their team, in which feedback can be given and acted upon at any time. The survey is just the start of it.

People are complex, and human-centred issues can be incredibly difficult to unpick, but ongoing engagement that is part of the fabric of organisational culture is infinitely better than periodic snapshots on their own.

Consider the CIA

So, as a leader, how do you manage ongoing dialogue. How you collectively process the data and act as a result of the conversations will be decisive in the success of continuous engagement. Consider, for example, the CIA model - which invites you to ask what you can Control, what you can Influence and what you must Accept as being the way things just are, such as market conditions. Let’s accept what we can control and influence as a team.

In this way, engagement surveys can help people interpret issues with a more real world, complex approach. CIA is a useful mechanism for ensuring the findings are considered calmly and rationally. We’re not getting stressed, here, about matters completely out of our control.

But I’ll say it again, these surveys must only be a jumping off point for a really rich conversation. If you run a survey and you gather your insights, use this as a catalyst then for a really healthy conversation, an ongoing dialogue, and be sure to act on the insights on a regular basis.

How to use engagement surveys

So these are my three pointers for using engagement or ‘climate’ surveys:

  • Make sure that you are really clear on why people should participate in the first place, and set the expectation that this about gathering insight as a basis for an ongoing dialogue. There is no expectation, then, that this is a one-off hit
  • Kick off that dialogue very soon after getting your results from the survey. Drive to get the survey results out and into people’s hands quickly so the conversation can begin
  • Involve people in the conversation in a very adult way, where there is shared ownership for this - ie. we’re very happy for you to make those asks, as long as you understand the impact of those asks

And just a post-script here; don’t leave it 11 months and then publish a ‘you said, we did’ list message to your team. This is clunky and turns the process of employee engagement into a piece of internal marketing. It’s much better for managers to have these conversations with their team on a monthly basis, as part of that ongoing dialogue, so teams can see in real-time that they are being listened to and heard.