Condition and Control Structures in Python -CL5

Mastering Python: Understanding Conditionals and Control Structures

Conditionals and control structures are essential building blocks of programming. They allow you to create programs that can make decisions, repeat tasks, and respond to user input. In Python, these structures take the form of if-else statements, loops, and functions. In this lesson, we will delve into these topics in more detail and provide practical examples to help you understand how to use them effectively.

What is  Condition in Python?

In Python, a condition is a statement that evaluates to either true or false. Conditions are used to control the flow of execution in a program. If a condition is true, a specific code block is executed. If the condition is false, a different code block is executed. This is done using if-else statements. To use a condition in Python, you first specify the condition using comparison operators such as "greater than", "less than", "equal to", or "not equal to". You then include this condition in an if-else statement to determine which code block is executed. Conditions can be used for a variety of purposes, including input validation, decision-making, and error handling. By understanding conditions in Python, you can write programs that are more flexible and robust.

If-Else Statements

If-else statements are used to execute different code blocks based on a certain condition. The if statement is used to evaluate a condition, and if it is true, the code block associated with it is executed. If the condition is false, the code block associated with the else statement is executed instead.

Python If-Else Example
x = 10 if x > 5: print("x is greater than 5") else: print("x is less than or equal to 5")

Python If - Else Video Guide

What is Control Structure in Python?

Control structures are programming constructs that allow you to control the flow of execution in your program. They are used to determine which code blocks are executed and how many times they are executed. Control structures include if-else statements, loops, and functions. If-else statements allow you to execute different code blocks based on a specific condition. Loops enable you to execute a block of code repeatedly until a specific condition is satisfied. Functions are reusable blocks of code that perform a specific task. By mastering control structures, you can create powerful and flexible programs that can make decisions, repeat tasks, and respond to user input.


Loops are used to execute a block of code repeatedly until a certain condition is met. In Python, there are two types of loops: for loops and while loops. For loops are used when you know how many times you want to execute a block of code. While loops are used when you want to execute a block of code until a certain condition is met.

Python Loops Example
for i in range(5): print(i) i = 0 while i < 5: print(i) i += 1

For Loop in Python

A for loop in Python is used to execute a block of code repeatedly for a fixed number of times. It iterates over a sequence, such as a list or a string, and executes the code block for each item in the sequence. The basic syntax for a for loop is:

For loop in Python
for variable in sequence: # code to execute for each item in the sequence

The 'variable' takes on the value of each item in the sequence in turn, and the code block is executed once for each value. The range() function is often used to generate a sequence of numbers for the loop to iterate over. For example, to print the numbers 0 to 4, you can use the following for loop:

for i in range(5): print(i)

This will print:

0 1 2 3 4

Python For Loop Video Guide

I hope it is now clear, what For loop is and how we can use it.

While loop in Python

A while loop in Python is used to execute a block of code repeatedly until a specific condition is met. The basic syntax for a while loop is:

While loop in Python
while condition: # code to execute repeatedly while the condition is True

The condition is evaluated before each iteration of the loop, and if it is True, the code block is executed. This continues until the condition is False, at which point the loop exits and the program continues with the next statement after the loop.

For example, to print the numbers 0 to 4 using a while loop, you can use the following code:

i = 0 while i < 5: print(i) i += 1

This will print:

0 1 2 3 4

In this example, the condition i < 5 is checked before each iteration of the loop, and the loop continues as long as the condition is True. The i variable is incremented by 1 in each iteration, so the loop will eventually exit when i becomes equal to 5.

Python While Loop Video Guide

Hopefully, now you have a clear knowledge of how we can use the while loop in our programs.


A function in Python is a block of reusable code that performs a specific task. Functions are used to break down a program into smaller, more manageable parts, and to make code reusable across multiple parts of a program.

To define a function in Python, you use the def keyword followed by the function name and a set of parentheses containing any arguments to the function. The function body is indented below the function definition, and can contain any valid Python code.

Here's an example of a simple function that takes two arguments and returns their sum:

Python Function Example
def add_numbers(x, y): return x + y result = add_numbers(3, 5) print(result)

To call the function and pass in arguments, you simply use the function name followed by the argument values in parentheses. Here's an example:

sum = add_numbers(5, 7) print(sum) # Output: 12

In this example, we call the add_numbers() function with arguments 5 and 7, which returns the result 12. We then store this result in the sum variable and print it to the console.

Functions can also have default arguments, which are used when an argument is not provided by the calling code. They can also return multiple values and can be defined within other functions (known as nested functions).

Python Function Video Guide

Conclusion of Conditionals and Control Structures in Python

In this lesson, we covered the basics of conditionals and control structures in Python. We learned how to use if-else statements to execute different code blocks based on a condition, how to use loops to execute code repeatedly until a certain condition is met, and how to use functions to modularize our code. These concepts are fundamental to programming and will be used extensively in more advanced applications.

Python Quizzes: Conditionals and Control Structures? Test Your Memory

1. What are control structures in programming?
  • a) Programming languages
  • b) Coding structures
  • c) Programming constructs
  • d) Code snippets

2. What is the purpose of conditionals and control structures in Python?
  • a) To create decision-making programs
  • b) To repeat tasks
  • c) To respond to user input
  • d) All of the above

3. Which control structure is used to execute different code blocks based on a specific condition?
  • a) For loop
  • b) While loop
  • c) If-else statement
  • d) Function

4. Which type of loop is used when you want to execute a block of code repeatedly until a specific condition is met?
  • a) For loop
  • b) While loop
  • c) If-else statement
  • d) Function

5. What is the purpose of functions in Python?
  • a) To create loops
  • b) To execute code blocks
  • c) To perform a specific task
  • d) None of the above

6. What is the output of the fol lowing code?

age = 20 if age >= 18: print("You can vote!") else: print("You are too young to vote.")
  • a) You can vote!
  • b) You are too young to vote.
  • c) 20
  • d) None of the above

7. Which loop type is used when you know how many times you want to execute the code block?
  • a) For loop
  • b) While loop
  • c) If-else statement
  • d) Function

8. What is the purpose of if-else statements in Python?
  • a) To create loops
  • b) To execute code blocks
  • c) To perform a specific task
  • d) To execute different code blocks based on a specific condition

9. What is the purpose of loops in Python?
  • a) To create decision-making programs
  • b) To repeat tasks
  • c) To respond to user input
  • d) All of the above

10. What is the output of the following code?

for i in range(5): print(i)
  • a) 0 1 2 3 4
  • b) 1 2 3 4 5
  • c) 0 1 2 3 4 5
  • d) None of the above

11. What is the output of the following code?

i = 0 while i < 5: print(i) i += 1
  • a) 0 1 2 3 4
  • b) 1 2 3 4 5
  • c) 0 1 2 3 4 5
  • d) None of the above

12. Which operator is used to specify a condition in Python?
  • a) And
  • b) Or
  • c) Not
  • d) Comparison operators

13. What is the purpose of comparison operators in Python?
  • a) To specify conditions
  • b) To create loops
  • c) To execute code blocks
  • d) None of the above

14. Which of the following is a comparison operator in Python?
  • a) ==
  • b) +=
  • c) *
  • d) //

15. What is the output of the following code?

def add_numbers(x, y): return x + y result = add_numbers(3, 5) print(result)
  • a) 8
  • b) 15
  • c) 35
  • d) None of the above

16. What is the purpose of the return statement in Python?
  • a) To specify conditions
  • b) To create loops
  • c) To execute code blocks
  • d) To return a value from a function

1. What are control structures in programming?
Answer: c) Programming constructs

2. What is the purpose of conditionals and control structures in Python?
Answer: d) All of the above

3. Which control structure is used to execute different code blocks based on a specific condition?
Answer: c) If-else statement

4. Which type of loop is used when you want to execute a block of code repeatedly until a specific condition is met?
Answer: b) While loop

5. What is the purpose of functions in Python?
Answer: c) To perform a specific task

6. What is the output of the following code?

age = 20 if age >= 18: print("You can vote!") else: print("You are too young to vote.")

Answer: a) You can vote!

7. Which loop type is used when you know how many times you want to execute the code block?
Answer: a) For loop

8. What is the purpose of if-else statements in Python?
Answer: d) To execute different code blocks based on a specific condition

9. What is the purpose of loops in Python?
Answer: d) All of the above

10. What is the output of the following code?

for i in range(5): print(i)

Answer: a) 0 1 2 3 4

11. What is the output of the following code?

i = 0 while i < 5: print(i) i += 1

Answer: a) 0 1 2 3 4

12. Which operator is used to specify a condition in Python?
Answer: d) Comparison operators

13. What is the purpose of comparison operators in Python?
Answer: a) To specify conditions

14. Which of the following is a comparison operator in Python?
Answer: a) ==

15. What is the output of the following code?

def add_numbers(x, y): return x + y result = add_numbers(3, 5) print(result)

Answer: a) 8

16. What is the purpose of the return statement in Python?
Answer: d) To return a value from a function

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