Python Built-in Functions and Modules Advanced Level CL-18

Python Built-in Functions and Modules Advanced Level

This blog post topic is Lambda Functions, Higher-Order Functions, Inner Functions, Decorators (basic understanding), and Variable-Length Arguments (*args, **kwargs), Before we start learning these concepts lets have a look back post without much explanation, Just to remind what we learned Python Built-in simple functions and modules we used before.

Built-in Functions:

Commonly Used Built-in Functions: print(), input(), len(), type(), int(), float(), str(), etc., and explain their purpose and usage.

Math-related Functions: abs(), round(), min(), max(), sum(), and how they're used in calculations.

String Functions: upper(), lower(), capitalize(), split(), join(), replace(), etc.

List and Tuple Functions: append(), extend(), insert(), remove(), count(), index(), sorted(), reversed(), etc.

Dictionary Functions: keys(), values(), items(), get(), pop(), update(), etc.

Set Functions: add(), remove(), union(), intersection(), difference(), etc.

Type Conversion Functions: int(), float(), str(), list(), tuple(), dict(), set(), etc.


Standard Library Modules: Python's standard library, such as math, random, datetime, os, sys, json, re, collections, etc.

Importing Modules: import module_name, from module_name import function_name, and import module_name as alias.

Using Module Functions: How to access and use functions from imported modules.

Creating Your Own Modules: How to create your own modules by grouping related functions and variables together in a separate file.

The __name__ Variable: The significance of the __name__ variable in modules and how it facilitates code organization and execution.

Third-Party Modules: The concept of third-party modules and libraries, highlighting their importance and how to install them using tools like pip.

Module Documentation: The significance of module documentation and how docstrings can provide useful information to users.

Advanced Topics:

Lambda Functions: Lambda functions (anonymous functions) and their use cases.

List Comprehensions: List comprehensions as a concise way to create lists.
map(), filter(), and reduce(): Explore these higher-order functions for functional programming.

Let's start Today's topics,

Lambda Functions

Lambda functions, also known as anonymous functions, are concise and simple functions in Python designed for short operations. They serve the purpose of creating small, throwaway functions without having to define a formal function using the def keyword.

Basic Syntax of Lambda Functions:

lambda arguments: expression

For example:
double = lambda x: x * 2 result = double(5) # Output: 10

Using Lambda Functions

Lambda functions are particularly useful in situations where you need a quick function for a specific task. They are commonly used in places like,

Sorting: To Provide Custom Sorting Criteria
Consider a scenario where you have a list of students, each represented by a tuple containing their name and age. You want to sort the students based on their ages. Here's how you can achieve this using a lambda function:
students = [("Alice", 25), ("Bob", 20), ("Eve", 22)] students.sort(key=lambda student: student[1]) # Sort by age print(students)
  • Output:
    [('Bob', 20), ('Eve', 22), ('Alice', 25)]

    In this example, the lambda function lambda student: student[1] serves as the sorting key. It extracts the age (the second element of each tuple) to be used as the criteria for sorting the list of students.

Filtering: To Extract Specific Elements from a Sequence
Imagine you have a list of numbers and you want to extract only the even numbers from it. Lambda functions can be used along with the filter() function to achieve this:
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] even_numbers = list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, numbers)) print(even_numbers)
  • Output:
    [2, 4, 6]

    The lambda function lambda x: x % 2 == 0 checks if a number is even by calculating the remainder when dividing it by 2. The filter() function then uses this lambda function to filter out the odd numbers from the list.

  • Mapping: To Apply a Function to Each Element in a Sequence
    Suppose you have a list of numbers and you want to calculate the square of each number. Lambda functions can be used along with the map() function to achieve this:
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] squared = list(map(lambda x: x**2, numbers)) print(squared)

[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

The lambda function lambda x: x**2 calculates the square of each number in the list. The map() function then applies this lambda function to each element of the list, resulting in a new list containing the squared values.

Lambda functions can be compared to regular named functions:

Lambda Function:
Concise, often single-line expressions.
No need to explicitly define a function name.

Named Function:
More formal, and can be multi-line.
Requires using the def keyword and a function name.

Lambda Functions Limitations and Best Practices

Lambda functions have some limitations:
They can only contain a single expression.
They cannot include statements or complex logic.
They might make the code less readable for very complex operations.

Best Practices for Using Lambda Functions:
Use lambda functions for simple and specific operations.
If a function becomes more complex, consider using a named function instead.
Keep lambda expressions short and understandable for readability.

Higher-Order Functions

Higher-order functions are a powerful concept in Python where functions can take other functions as arguments and/or return functions as their results. This ability makes functions first-class citizens in Python, which means they can be treated just like any other object, such as integers or strings.

Passing Functions as Arguments

One of the key features of higher-order functions is the ability to pass functions as arguments to other functions. This allows you to customize the behavior of a function without modifying its code. Here's an example that demonstrates passing a function as an argument to achieve custom sorting:

def custom_sort(data, key_function): return sorted(data, key=key_function) numbers = [3, 9, 1, 5, 7] sorted_numbers = custom_sort(numbers, key=lambda x: x % 3) print(sorted_numbers)

[9, 3, 5, 1, 7]

In this example, the custom_sort function takes a list of numbers and a key_function as arguments. The key_function is a lambda function that defines the sorting criteria. In this case, the sorting is based on the remainder of the numbers when divided by 3.

Returning Functions

Higher-order functions can also return functions as results. This is useful for creating specialized functions on the fly. Consider a scenario where you want to generate a function that adds a given number to a value:
def add_generator(num): def add_number(x): return x + num return add_number add_five = add_generator(5) result = add_five(10) print(result) # Output: 15

In this example, the add_generator function returns an inner function add_number, which takes an argument x and adds the value num to it.

Function Composition

Function composition involves combining multiple functions to create more complex behaviors. It's a powerful concept for building modular and readable code. Here's an example that demonstrates function composition to calculate the square of the sum of two numbers:
def square(x): return x ** 2 def add(a, b): return a + b def compose(f, g): return lambda x: f(g(x)) square_of_sum = compose(square, lambda x: add(x, 3)) result = square_of_sum(5) print(result) # Output: 64

In this example, the compose function takes two functions (f and g) and returns a new function that applies f to the result of applying g to an input. The square_of_sum function calculates the square of the sum of a number and 3.

Inner Functions

Inner functions, also known as nested functions, are functions defined within the body of another function. They offer encapsulation and organization benefits by allowing you to group related functionality together within the scope of the outer function.

Inner functions are useful because they:
Help avoid cluttering the global namespace with functions that are only relevant within a specific context.
Improve code organization and readability by grouping related code together.

Creating Inner Functions

Creating inner functions is straightforward. You define a function within the body of another function. Here's an example that demonstrates an outer function outer containing an inner function inner:

def outer(): def inner(): return "Hello from inner function" result = inner() return result output = outer() print(output)

Hello from inner function

In this example, the outer function contains an inner function inner. The inner function is defined within the scope of the outer function and can be called and used within it.

Accessing Outer Function Scope

One significant advantage of inner functions is their ability to access variables from the outer function's scope. This enables data encapsulation and allows inner functions to utilize data from their containing function.
Consider this example:
def outer(name): greeting = "Hello, " def inner(): return greeting + name result = inner() return result output = outer("Alice") print(output)

Hello, Alice

In this example, the inner function inner can access the greeting variable from the outer function outer. This encapsulation ensures that the greeting variable is only accessible within the context of the outer function.

Inner functions that access variables from their containing function's scope are particularly useful in scenarios like creating closures or helper functions that depend on specific data provided to the outer function.


Decorators are a powerful feature in Python that allows you to modify or extend the behavior of functions or methods without altering their source code. They enhance code reusability and help in separating concerns, making your code more organized and maintainable.

The fundamental concept behind decorators is the idea of "wrapping." A decorator is a higher-order function that takes a function as an argument, adds some functionality around it, and returns a new function that provides the combined behavior.

Creating and Applying Decorators

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating and applying decorators:

Step 1: Define a Decorator Function
def my_decorator(func): def wrapper(): print("Something is happening before the function is called.") func() print("Something is happening after the function is called.") return wrapper

Step 2: Apply the Decorator Using "@" Symbol
@my_decorator def say_hello(): print("Hello!") say_hello()

Something is happening before the function is called. Hello! Something is happening after the function is called.

Decorator's Common Use Cases

Decorators shine in various practical scenarios:

Logging: Adding logging capabilities to functions.
def log_decorator(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): print(f"Calling {func.__name__}") result = func(*args, **kwargs) print(f"{func.__name__} returned {result}") return result return wrapper @log_decorator def add(a, b): return a + b result = add(3, 5)

Authentication: Implementing access control to functions.
def authenticate_decorator(func): def wrapper(username, password): if username == "admin" and password == "secret": return func() else: raise PermissionError("Access denied") return wrapper @authenticate_decorator def secret_operation(): return "Access granted" result = secret_operation("admin", "secret")

Caching: Storing function results to avoid recomputation.
def cache_decorator(func): cache = {} def wrapper(n): if n not in cache: cache[n] = func(n) return cache[n] return wrapper @cache_decorator def fib(n): if n <= 1: return n return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) result = fib(10)

Chaining and Nesting Decorators

You can chain multiple decorators on a single function using the "@" symbol. Be cautious about the order of decorators, as it can affect the behavior. For example, if you're logging and authenticating a function, the order matters.
@log_decorator @authenticate_decorator def secured_operation(): return "Sensitive data" result = secured_operation("admin", "secret")

Decorators provide a concise way to modify and extend the behavior of functions, making your code more modular and efficient. By understanding how to create, apply, and chain decorators, you can enhance the capabilities of your Python programs.

Variable-Length Arguments (*args, **kwargs)

In many situations, you might need to write functions that can handle a variable number of arguments. This is where variable-length arguments, denoted as *args and **kwargs, come into play. These features allow you to create more flexible and versatile functions that can accommodate different input scenarios.

The concept of variable-length arguments consists of:
Positional Arguments (*args): Collects additional positional arguments as a tuple.
**Keyword Arguments (kwargs): Collect additional keyword arguments as a dictionary.

Using *args and **kwargs

*Using args (Positional Arguments):
def total_sum(*args): return sum(args) result = total_sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) print(result) # Output: 15

**Using kwargs (Keyword Arguments):
def print_info(**kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.items(): print(f"{key}: {value}") print_info(name="Alice", age=25, city="Wonderland")

name: Alice age: 25 city: Wonderland

**Scenarios where *args and kwargs are Handy:
  • When you want to create a function that can accept a dynamic number of arguments without knowing the exact count.
  • When you need to pass arguments to other functions dynamically.

Best Practices and Error Handling

Best Practices for Designing Functions with Variable-Length Arguments:
  • Use meaningful parameter names for both *args and **kwargs.
  • Provide clear documentation about the expected arguments.
  • Keep the function logic clean and avoid excessive complexity.
Handling Pitfalls and Error Cases:
  • **Using both *args and kwargs: Avoid using both *args and **kwargs in the same function signature, as it can lead to ambiguity and confusion.
  • *Positional Arguments before args: When using *args, all positional arguments must come before it in the function definition.
  • **Unpacking *args and kwargs: If you want to pass the elements of a list or dictionary as separate arguments to a function, you can use the * and ** operators respectively.
def print_args(arg1, arg2, arg3): print(arg1, arg2, arg3) args_list = [1, 2, 3] print_args(*args_list)

1 2 3

By mastering the use of *args and **kwargs, you can create more versatile and adaptable functions that can handle different input scenarios and improve the usability of your code.

Python Quizzes: Python Built-in Functions and Modules. Test Your Memory

Quiz 1: Lambda Functions
What is a lambda function in Python?
a) A function with a complex logic structure
b) A function that accepts another function as an argument
c) An anonymous function with concise syntax
d) A function that can only be used as a decorator

Quiz 2: Higher-Order Functions
What is a higher-order function?
a) A function that operates on integers only
b) A function that is written using the 'def' keyword
c) A function that returns another function
d) A function that has a single argument

Quiz 3: Inner Functions
What is the primary advantage of using inner functions?
a) They allow accessing global variables.
b) They enable defining functions inside loops.
c) They provide better code organization and encapsulation.
d) They eliminate the need for function arguments.

Quiz 4: Decorators
What is the purpose of a decorator in Python?
a) To add more arguments to a function
b) To modify or extend the behavior of a function
c) To create nested functions
d) To replace existing functions with new ones

Quiz 5: Variable-Length Arguments
What do *args and **kwargs represent in Python functions?
a) A way to indicate that the function has no arguments
b) Syntax errors in function definitions
c) Techniques to define multiple functions inside one function
d) A means to handle varying numbers of arguments

Quiz 6: Lambda Functions Usage
In which scenario would you commonly use a lambda function?
a) To define a complex mathematical formula
b) To create a simple function for one-time use
c) To write a function that requires multiple statements
d) To replace a named function in your code

Quiz 7: Passing Functions as Arguments
What is the benefit of passing functions as arguments to other functions?
a) It reduces the need for function documentation.
b) It allows you to define multiple functions with the same name.
c) It enables the creation of functions with complex logic.
d) It provides flexibility in customizing function behavior.

Quiz 8: Creating Inner Functions
Which of the following is true about inner functions?
a) They can only be defined within global scope.
b) They can only be defined within other classes.
c) They are accessible only outside their containing function.
d) They improve code organization by grouping related code.

Quiz 9: Function Composition
What does function composition involve?
a) Combining multiple functions to create more complex behaviors
b) Replacing an existing function with a new one
c) Adding new arguments to a function
d) Wrapping a function with a decorator

Quiz 10: Applying Decorators
How do you apply a decorator to a function using the "@" symbol?
a) Place the decorator's name in quotes before the function definition
b) Define the decorator function inside the function's body
c) Add the decorator's name before the function definition
d) Prefix the decorator function with the "@" symbol

Quiz 11: Using Variable-Length Arguments
What are **kwargs used for in a Python function?
a) Collecting additional positional arguments
b) Collecting additional keyword arguments
c) Defining a variable-length argument
d) Converting arguments to strings

Quiz 12: Common Use Cases of Decorators
Which of the following is a common use case for decorators?
a) Printing the source code of a function
b) Changing the data type of function arguments
c) Replacing a function's return value with None
d) Encrypting function code for security purposes

Quiz 13: Chaining and Nesting Decorators
What does chaining decorators on a single function involve?
a) Running two decorators sequentially on the same function
b) Running two decorators in parallel on the same function
c) Running a decorator inside another decorator
d) Running a decorator after the function's return value

Quiz 14: Using *args and kwargs
How can you pass a list of values as individual arguments to a function?
a) Use args before the list
b) Use **kwargs before the list
c) Use the 'unpacking' operator () before the list
d) Use the 'expansion' operator (**) before the list

Quiz 15: Best Practices for Variable-Length Arguments
What is a recommended practice when designing functions with variable-length arguments?
a) Avoid using variable-length arguments altogether
b) Use the same parameter names for both *args and **kwargs
c) Document the expected arguments clearly
d) Define the function without any arguments to avoid confusion

Quiz 1: Lambda Functions
What is a lambda function in Python?
a) A function with a complex logic structure
b) A function that accepts another function as an argument
c) An anonymous function with concise syntax
d) A function that can only be used as a decorator
Correct Answer: c) An anonymous function with concise syntax

Quiz 2: Higher-Order Functions
What is a higher-order function?
a) A function that operates on integers only
b) A function that is written using the 'def' keyword
c) A function that returns another function
d) A function that has a single argument
Correct Answer: c) A function that returns another function

Quiz 3: Inner Functions
What is the primary advantage of using inner functions?
a) They allow accessing global variables.
b) They enable defining functions inside loops.
c) They provide better code organization and encapsulation.
d) They eliminate the need for function arguments.
Correct Answer: c) They provide better code organization and encapsulation.

Quiz 4: Decorators
What is the purpose of a decorator in Python?
a) To add more arguments to a function
b) To modify or extend the behavior of a function
c) To create nested functions
d) To replace existing functions with new ones
Correct Answer: b) To modify or extend the behavior of a function

Quiz 5: Variable-Length Arguments
What do *args and **kwargs represent in Python functions?
a) A way to indicate that the function has no arguments
b) Syntax errors in function definitions
c) Techniques to define multiple functions inside one function
d) A means to handle varying numbers of arguments
Correct Answer: d) A means to handle varying numbers of arguments

Quiz 6: Lambda Functions Usage
In which scenario would you commonly use a lambda function?
a) To define a complex mathematical formula
b) To create a simple function for one-time use
c) To write a function that requires multiple statements
d) To replace a named function in your code
Correct Answer: b) To create a simple function for one-time use

Quiz 7: Passing Functions as Arguments
What is the benefit of passing functions as arguments to other functions?
a) It reduces the need for function documentation.
b) It allows you to define multiple functions with the same name.
c) It enables the creation of functions with complex logic.
d) It provides flexibility in customizing function behavior.
Correct Answer: d) It provides flexibility in customizing function behavior.

Quiz 8: Creating Inner Functions
Which of the following is true about inner functions?
a) They can only be defined within global scope.
b) They can only be defined within other classes.
c) They are accessible only outside their containing function.
d) They improve code organization by grouping related code.
Correct Answer: d) They improve code organization by grouping related code.

Quiz 9: Function Composition
What does function composition involve?
a) Combining multiple functions to create more complex behaviors
b) Replacing an existing function with a new one
c) Adding new arguments to a function
d) Wrapping a function with a decorator
Correct Answer: a) Combining multiple functions to create more complex behaviors

Quiz 10: Applying Decorators
How do you apply a decorator to a function using the "@" symbol?
a) Place the decorator's name in quotes before the function definition
b) Define the decorator function inside the function's body
c) Add the decorator's name before the function definition
d) Prefix the decorator function with the "@" symbol
Correct Answer: c) Add the decorator's name before the function definition

Quiz 11: Using Variable-Length Arguments
What are **kwargs used for in a Python function?
a) Collecting additional positional arguments
b) Collecting additional keyword arguments
c) Defining a variable-length argument
d) Converting arguments to strings
Correct Answer: b) Collecting additional keyword arguments

Quiz 12: Common Use Cases of Decorators
Which of the following is a common use case for decorators?
a) Printing the source code of a function
b) Changing the data type of function arguments
c) Replacing a function's return value with None
d) Encrypting function code for security purposes
Correct Answer: a) Printing the source code of a function

Quiz 13: Chaining and Nesting Decorators
What does chaining decorators on a single function involve?
a) Running two decorators sequentially on the same function
b) Running two decorators in parallel on the same function
c) Running a decorator inside another decorator
d) Running a decorator after the function's return value
Correct Answer: a) Running two decorators sequentially on the same function

Quiz 14: Using *args and kwargs
How can you pass a list of values as individual arguments to a function?
a) Use args before the list
b) Use **kwargs before the list
c) Use the 'unpacking' operator () before the list
d) Use the 'expansion' operator (**) before the list
Correct Answer: c) Use the 'unpacking' operator () before the list

Quiz 15: Best Practices for Variable-Length Arguments
What is a recommended practice when designing functions with variable-length arguments?
a) Avoid using variable-length arguments altogether
b) Use the same parameter names for both *args and **kwargs
c) Document the expected arguments clearly
d) Define the function without any arguments to avoid confusion
Correct Answer: c) Document the expected arguments clearly

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