Python: Exploring the Collections Module -CL15

Python: Exploring the Collections Module

[ what is Collections Module? ] The collections module is a built-in module in Python's Standard Library that provides additional data structures beyond the ones included in the core language. It offers specialized container classes that enhance the functionality and efficiency of data manipulation operations.

The Collections module includes various data structures such as:

  • Counter: This class is used for counting hashable objects. It provides a convenient way to keep track of the frequency of elements in a collection.

  • defaultdict: Unlike the standard Python dictionary (dict), defaultdict allows you to specify a default value or factory function that is returned when accessing a missing key. This makes it useful for handling cases where you want to handle missing keys gracefully.

  • namedtuple: Named tuples are lightweight data structures that extend the functionality of tuples by assigning names to each field. They provide a more readable and self-documenting way to define simple classes without methods.

  • deque: The deque class implements a double-ended queue, allowing efficient append and pop operations from either end. It is commonly used in scenarios where fast append and pop operations are required, such as implementing queues, stacks, and sliding window algorithms.

  • OrderedDict: This class is similar to the standard Python dictionary , but it also preserves the order of insertion of the elements. It is useful when you need to maintain the order of key-value pairs, such as when creating ordered dictionaries or implementing LRU (Least Recently Used) caches.

Benefits of Using the Collections Module

  • Specialized Data Structures: The collections module provides several specialized data structures that are tailored to handle specific scenarios more efficiently than the built-in data structures. These data structures are designed to solve common programming problems and improve code readability.

  • Increased Performance: The data structures in the collections module are implemented in highly optimized C code, resulting in improved performance compared to using regular Python lists, dictionaries, or tuples. This performance boost is especially noticeable when dealing with large amounts of data or frequently performing certain operations like counting or dequeuing.

  • Enhanced Functionality: The collections module introduces new functionalities that are not available in the standard data structures. These functionalities simplify complex tasks, enable concise code, and provide a more intuitive way of solving specific problems.

  • Code Simplicity and Readability: By utilizing the specialized data structures from the collections module, you can write cleaner, more expressive code. The module's classes are designed to provide self-documenting structures that make your code more readable and easier to understand for both you and other developers.

The Python Standard Library Inclusion:

One of the notable advantages of the collections module is that it is part of the Python Standard Library. This means that the module is included with every Python installation, requiring no additional packages or installations. As a result, you can utilize the collections module's functionalities without worrying about compatibility issues or extra dependencies, making it highly accessible and convenient to use in your Python projects.

Counter: Efficient Counting of Hashable Objects

The Counter class is a fundamental component of the collections module that provides a convenient way to count hashable objects . It is designed specifically for scenarios where you need to track the frequency of elements in a collection.

Creating a Counter object and Counting Operations:

To create a Counter object, you can pass an iterable as an argument to the Counter constructor. The iterable can be a list, tuple, string, or any other iterable object containing hashable elements.
Here's an example:
from collections import Counter my_list = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 4, 4] counter = Counter(my_list) print(counter)

Counter({1: 3, 4: 3, 2: 2, 3: 2, 5: 1}) #1 three times, 4 three times so on..

In the above example, the Counter object counter is created from the list my_list. The Counter displays the frequency of each element as key-value pairs.

Practical Use Cases:

Frequency Analysis: Counters are commonly used for frequency analysis tasks, such as finding the most common elements in a collection. The most_common() method returns a list of the n most common elements and their frequencies.
Here's an example:
from collections import Counter text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." counter = Counter(text.lower()) most_common = counter.most_common(3) print(most_common)

[(' ', 8), ('e', 5), ('t', 5)] # space 8 tmes, e five times so on..

In this example, the Counter is created from the lowercase characters of the given text. The most_common(3) method call returns the three most common elements along with their frequencies.

    Finding the Most Common Elements:

Apart from most_common(), Counter provides other useful methods to find the most common elements. The most_common() method without an argument returns all elements in descending order of their frequency. The most_common(1) method returns a single element with the highest frequency.
Here's an example:
from collections import Counter my_list = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 4, 4] counter = Counter(my_list) most_common_all = counter.most_common() most_common_one = counter.most_common(1) print(most_common_all) print(most_common_one)

[(1, 3), (4, 3), (2, 2), (3, 2), (5, 1)] [(1, 3)]

In this example, most_common_all contains all the elements and their frequencies, sorted in descending order. most_common_one contains only the element with the highest frequency.

Comparing Multiple Counter Objects:

Counter objects can be compared using standard comparison operators. This allows you to determine which Counter has more or fewer occurrences of elements.
Here's an example:
from collections import Counter counter1 = Counter([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 4, 4]) counter2 = Counter([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) print(counter1 > counter2) print(counter1 < counter2)

True False

In this example, counter1 and counter2 are compared using the > and < operators. The comparison is based on the total count of elements. In this case, counter1 has a higher count, so counter1 > counter2 returns True.

defaultdict: Handling Missing Keys Gracefully

The defaultdict class is another useful data structure provided by the collections module. It is similar to the standard dict in Python but introduces a crucial difference: it allows you to specify a default value or factory function that is returned when accessing a missing key. This feature makes defaultdict particularly useful for handling cases where you want to handle missing keys gracefully.

Creating a defaultdict object and Specifying a Default Factory Function:

To create a defaultdict object, you need to provide a callable as the default factory function. The factory function is invoked whenever a missing key is accessed.
Here's an example:
from collections import defaultdict # Example 1: Default value as int d = defaultdict(int) d['a'] += 1 d['b'] += 1 print(d['a']) # Output: 1 print(d['b']) # Output: 1 print(d['c']) # Output: 0 (default value for int is 0) # Example 2: Default value as list d = defaultdict(list) d['fruits'].append('apple') d['fruits'].append('banana') print(d['fruits']) # Output: ['apple', 'banana'] print(d['vegetables']) # Output: [] (default value for list is an empty list)

In the first example, we create a defaultdict with the default factory function int , which returns 0 when a missing key is accessed. When we increment the values associated with the keys 'a' and 'b', the default value of 0 is used for the initial access of these keys.

In the second example, we create a defaultdict with the default factory function list. When we append values to the 'fruits' key, the default value of an empty list is returned for the initial access of the 'fruits' and 'vegetables' keys.

Simplifying Tasks Involving Missing Keys, Nested Data Structures, and Grouping Data:

Handling Missing Keys: defaultdict simplifies the process of handling missing keys by automatically providing a default value when accessing a non-existent key. This eliminates the need for manual checks, reducing code complexity and enhancing readability.

Nested Data Structures: defaultdict is particularly useful when dealing with nested data structures . It allows you to create dictionaries with default values that are themselves defaultdict objects, creating a nested structure of dictionaries with consistent default behavior.
from collections import defaultdict nested_dict = lambda: defaultdict(nested_dict) data = nested_dict() data['fruits']['apple']['color'] = 'red' data['fruits']['apple']['taste'] = 'sweet' data['fruits']['banana']['color'] = 'yellow' print(data['fruits']['apple']) # Output: {'color': 'red', 'taste': 'sweet'} print(data['fruits']['banana']) # Output: {'color': 'yellow'} print(data['vegetables']['carrot']) # Output: {}

In this example, a nested defaultdict is used to create a hierarchical structure for fruits. The default factory function nested_dict is recursively invoked, ensuring that any missing key in the nested structure will automatically create another nested defaultdict.

Grouping Data: defaultdict can simplify the process of grouping data . By using a defaultdict with a list as the default factory, you can easily group elements based on a common key.
from collections import defaultdict data = [ ('apple', 'fruit'), ('banana', 'fruit'), ('carrot', 'vegetable'), ('orange', 'fruit'), ('broccoli', 'vegetable') ] grouped_data = defaultdict(list) for item, category in data: grouped_data[category].append(item) print(grouped_data['fruit']) # Output: ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'] print(grouped_data['vegetable']) # Output: ['carrot', 'broccoli']

In this example, the defaultdict is used to group items based on their categories. The default factory function list creates an empty list as the default value, allowing us to directly append items to the corresponding category key.

The defaultdict class in the collections module provides a convenient way to handle missing keys gracefully. It simplifies tasks involving missing keys, nested data structures, and grouping data by automatically providing default values. Its flexibility and ease of use make it an excellent choice when working with dictionaries in Python.

namedtuple: Conveniently Named Tuple Subclasses

The namedtuple class is a powerful feature of the collections module that allows you to create tuple subclasses with named fields. It combines the functionality of tuples (immutable sequences) with the ability to access elements using named attributes. This makes namedtuples an elegant solution for representing simple data objects.

Introducing namedtuples and Creating Instances:

To create a named tuple, you need to use the namedtuple factory function provided by the collections module. It takes two arguments: the name of the named tuple and a string containing the field names, separated by spaces or commas.
Here's an example:
from collections import namedtuple # Define a named tuple class Person = namedtuple('Person', 'name age') # Create an instance of the named tuple person1 = Person('Alice', 25) person2 = Person('Bob', 30) print(person1) # Output: Person(name='Alice', age=25) print(person2) # Output: Person(name='Bob', age=30)

In this example, we define a named tuple class called " Person " with fields " name " and " age ". We then create two instances of the named tuple, assigning values to the fields. When printed, the named tuples display their field names and corresponding values.

Accessing Named Tuple Elements:

Named tuples provide a convenient way to access elements using named attributes . You can access the fields of a named tuple using dot notation or by indexing the named tuple.
Here's an example:
from collections import namedtuple Person = namedtuple('Person', 'name age') person = Person('Alice', 25) print( # Output: 'Alice' print(person.age) # Output: 25 print(person[0]) # Output: 'Alice' print(person[1]) # Output: 25

In this example, we access the field values of the named tuple "person" using both dot notation (, person.age) and indexing (person[0], person[1]).

Advantages of namedtuples:

  • Improved Code Readability: By using namedtuples , you can give semantic meaning to the elements of your data objects. This improves the readability and self-documenting nature of your code. Accessing elements using meaningful names makes your code more intuitive and easier to understand.
  • Self-Documenting Structures: Namedtuples serve as self-documenting structures, as the field names provide clear context about the purpose and meaning of each element. This makes your code more maintainable and reduces the need for extensive comments or documentation.
  • Memory Efficiency: Namedtuples are more memory-efficient compared to regular Python classes. They are implemented in C and have a smaller memory footprint than objects created with custom classes. If you need to store a large number of instances, namedtuples can save memory without sacrificing functionality.
  • Immutable and Hashable: Namedtuples, like regular tuples, are immutable. Once created, their values cannot be modified. This immutability ensures data integrity and enables safe use in scenarios where immutability is important, such as dictionary keys or elements in a set.

deque: Double-Ended Queues for Efficient Data Manipulation

The deque class in the collections module provides a double-ended queue implementation. It is an optimized data structure that allows efficient insertion and deletion operations from both ends of the queue. Deques are designed to handle scenarios where fast append and pop operations are required .

Creating and Manipulating Deque Objects:

To create a deque object, you need to import the deque class from the collections module. You can initialize a deque with an iterable or without any arguments.
Here's an example:
from collections import deque # Create an empty deque my_deque = deque() print(my_deque) # Output: deque([]) # Create a deque from an iterable my_deque = deque([1, 2, 3]) print(my_deque) # Output: deque([1, 2, 3])

In the first example, an empty deque is created using the default constructor. In the second example, a deque is created with the elements from the provided iterable.

Deque Operations and Use Cases:

Efficient Append and Pop Operations: Deques provide efficient append and pop operations from both ends of the queue. The append() method adds an element to the right end of the deque, while the appendleft() method adds an element to the left end. The pop() method removes and returns the rightmost element, while the popleft() method removes and returns the leftmost element.
from collections import deque my_deque = deque() # Append elements my_deque.append(1) my_deque.append(2) my_deque.append(3) print(my_deque) # Output: deque([1, 2, 3]) # Pop elements print(my_deque.pop()) # Output: 3 print(my_deque.popleft()) # Output: 1 print(my_deque) # Output: deque([2])

In this example, we demonstrate appending elements to the right using append() and removing elements from the left using popleft() .

Sliding Windows: Deques are commonly used for implementing sliding windows in algorithms and data analysis. A sliding window is a fixed-size subset of elements that moves through a larger collection. Deques allow efficient window movement by adding elements at one end and removing elements from the other end.
from collections import deque def sliding_window(nums, k): result = [] window = deque() for i, num in enumerate(nums): # Remove elements outside the window while window and window[0] <= i - k: window.popleft() # Remove smaller elements from the end while window and nums[window[-1]] < num: window.pop() window.append(i) # Append current maximum to the result if i >= k - 1: result.append(nums[window[0]]) return result nums = [1, 3, -1, -3, 5, 3, 6, 7] k = 3 result = sliding_window(nums, k) print(result) # Output: [3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 7]

In this example, we implement a sliding window algorithm using a deque to efficiently track the maximum value within each window. The sliding_window() function takes a list of numbers and a window size k as inputs and returns a list of maximum values for each window.

Implementing Stacks and Queues: Deques can be used to implement both stacks (LIFO - Last In, First Out) and queues (FIFO - First In, First Out). By using the append() and pop() methods, you can treat a deque as a stack. Similarly, by using the appendleft() and pop() methods, you can treat it as a queue.
from collections import deque # Implementing a stack stack = deque() stack.append(1) stack.append(2) stack.append(3) print(stack.pop()) # Output: 3 # Implementing a queue queue = deque() queue.append(1) queue.append(2) queue.append(3) print(queue.popleft()) # Output: 1

In this example, we demonstrate using a deque as both a stack and a queue by using the appropriate append and pop methods.

Deques in the collections module provide efficient data manipulation operations for scenarios that require fast append and pop operations from both ends. They are versatile and can be used in various use cases, such as implementing sliding windows, stacks, queues, and any situation that benefits from efficient double-ended data manipulation.

OrderedDict: Preserving Element Order in Dictionaries

The OrderedDict class in the collections module is a specialized dictionary implementation that maintains the order of insertion of elements . Unlike the standard Python dictionary, which does not guarantee the order of elements, OrderedDict ensures that the elements are stored and retrieved in the same order they were added.

Creating and Operating on OrderedDict Objects:

To create an OrderedDict, you need to import the OrderedDict class from the collections module. You can initialize an OrderedDict in several ways, such as passing key-value pairs as arguments or providing an iterable of key-value pairs.
Here's an example:
from collections import OrderedDict # Create an empty OrderedDict my_dict = OrderedDict() print(my_dict) # Output: OrderedDict() # Create an OrderedDict with key-value pairs my_dict = OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]) print(my_dict) # Output: OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)])

In the first example, an empty OrderedDict is created using the default constructor. In the second example, an OrderedDict is created with the provided key-value pairs.

Operating on OrderedDict objects is similar to regular dictionaries. You can access, add, update, and delete elements using the standard dictionary methods. The key difference is that the order of elements in an OrderedDict is preserved.
from collections import OrderedDict my_dict = OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]) # Access elements print(my_dict['a']) # Output: 1 # Add elements my_dict['d'] = 4 print(my_dict) # Output: OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4)]) # Update elements my_dict['b'] = 5 print(my_dict) # Output: OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 5), ('c', 3), ('d', 4)]) # Delete elements del my_dict['c'] print(my_dict) # Output: OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 5), ('d', 4)])

In this example, we demonstrate accessing, adding, updating, and deleting elements in an OrderedDict. The order of elements remains the same throughout the operations.

Scenarios Where Element Order Preservation is Crucial:

Creating Ordered Dictionaries: In some applications, maintaining the order of elements is crucial. For example, when creating configuration files or processing data that relies on the specific order of elements, an OrderedDict ensures that the desired order is preserved.

Implementing LRU (Least Recently Used) Caches: LRU caches, which store a limited number of most recently used items, require element order preservation. By using an OrderedDict, you can efficiently keep track of the most recently used items while maintaining the order of insertion. When the cache reaches its capacity, the least recently used items can be easily identified and removed.
from collections import OrderedDict class LRUCache(OrderedDict): def __init__(self, capacity): super().__init__() self.capacity = capacity def get(self, key): if key not in self: return -1 self.move_to_end(key) return self[key] def put(self, key, value): if key in self: self.move_to_end(key) self[key] = value if len(self) > self.capacity: self.popitem(last=False)

In this example, an LRU cache is implemented using an OrderedDict. The get() method retrieves the value for a given key and moves the key-value pair to the end, indicating it was recently used. The put() method adds or updates a key-value pair, moving it to the end if it already exists. If the cache exceeds its capacity, the popitem() method removes the least recently used item from the front.

OrderedDict in the collections module provides a key feature of preserving the insertion order of elements. It allows you to create and operate on dictionaries with guaranteed element order. This is useful in scenarios where element order preservation is crucial, such as creating ordered dictionaries or implementing data structures like LRU caches.

Other Collections in the collections module:


The ChainMap class allows you to combine multiple dictionaries into a single, logically merged dictionary. It provides a convenient way to access and manipulate multiple dictionaries as a single unit.
from collections import ChainMap dict1 = {'a': 1, 'b': 2} dict2 = {'c': 3, 'd': 4} combined_dict = ChainMap(dict1, dict2) print(combined_dict['a']) # Output: 1 print(combined_dict['c']) # Output: 3

Use case: ChainMap is useful when you need to work with multiple dictionaries as one unified dictionary, such as combining default settings with user-defined settings.


Although already discussed in detail earlier, namedtuple is worth mentioning again . It is a class factory that creates tuple subclasses with named fields. It provides a convenient and readable way to define lightweight data structures.
from collections import namedtuple Person = namedtuple('Person', ['name', 'age', 'city']) person = Person('Alice', 25, 'New York') print( # Output: 'Alice' print(person.age) # Output: 25

Use case: namedtuple is ideal for creating simple data objects that require both immutability and named access to the elements.


The UserDict class is a wrapper class that acts as a dictionary. It is designed to be subclassed and allows you to create custom dictionary-like objects by inheriting from it and overriding its methods.
from collections import UserDict class MyDict(UserDict): def __getitem__(self, key): return super().__getitem__(key.upper()) my_dict = MyDict() my_dict['a'] = 1 my_dict['b'] = 2 print(my_dict['A']) # Output: 1 print(my_dict['B']) # Output: 2

Use case: UserDict provides a base class for creating custom dictionary-like objects with customized behavior or additional functionality.


Similar to UserDict, UserList is a wrapper class that acts as a list . It allows you to create custom list-like objects by subclassing it and modifying its behavior.
from collections import UserList class MyList(UserList): def append(self, item): super().append(item * 2) my_list = MyList([1, 2, 3]) my_list.append(4) print(my_list) # Output: [1, 2, 3, 8]

Use case: UserList provides a base class for creating custom list-like objects with custom behavior or additional functionality.


UserString is a wrapper class that acts as a string. It allows you to create custom string-like objects by subclassing it and modifying its behavior.
from collections import UserString class MyString(UserString): def remove_spaces(self): =" ", "") my_string = MyString("Hello World") my_string.remove_spaces() print(my_string) # Output: 'HelloWorld'

Use case: UserString provides a base class for creating custom string-like objects with customized behavior or additional functionality.

These additional collections in the collections module provide flexible and customizable ways to work with dictionaries, tuples, lists, and strings. They allow you to create specialized objects tailored to your specific needs and provide a foundation for creating custom data structures with modified behavior or additional functionality.

Python Quizzes: Python Collections Module. Test Your Memory

1. What is the purpose of the collections module in Python?
a) To provide specialized data structures
b) To handle exceptions
c) To manage file I/O operations
d) To perform mathematical calculations

2. Which class from the collections module is used for efficient counting of hashable objects?
a) Counter
b) defaultdict
c) deque
d) namedtuple

3. How do you create a Counter object in Python?
a) counter = Counter()
b) counter = Counter([])
c) counter = Counter({})
d) counter = Counter(iterable)

4. What is one practical use case of the Counter class in the collections module?
a) Frequency analysis
b) Implementing LRU caches
c) Sliding window algorithms
d) Creating ordered dictionaries

5. Which class from the collections module allows you to specify a default value for missing keys?
a) Counter
b) defaultdict
c) deque
d) namedtuple

6. What is a named tuple in Python?
a) A tuple with named fields
b) A dictionary with ordered elements
c) A list with named attributes
d) A custom data structure with additional functionality

7. Which method is used to access elements in a named tuple using named attributes?
a) dot notation (e.g.,
b) indexing (e.g., person[0])
c) both a) and b)
d) none of the above

8. Which advantage does a named tuple provide in terms of code readability?
a) Improved memory efficiency
b) Self-documenting structures
c) Enhanced performance
d) Simpler data manipulation

9. What is the primary benefit of using an OrderedDict over a standard Python dictionary?
a) Guaranteed immutability of elements
b) Preserved insertion order of elements
c) Increased memory efficiency
d) Faster lookup operations

10. Which class from the collections module is suitable for combining multiple dictionaries into a single dictionary?
a) Counter
b) defaultdict
c) deque
d) ChainMap

11. In which scenario would you consider using an LRU cache implemented with an OrderedDict?
a) When preserving element order is crucial
b) When fast append and pop operations are required
c) When implementing a sliding window algorithm
d) When performing frequency analysis

12. Which collections class can be subclassed to create custom dictionary-like objects?
a) UserDict
b) UserList
c) UserString
d) namedtuple

13. What is the purpose of the ChainMap class in the collections module?
a) To efficiently count hashable objects
b) To handle missing keys gracefully
c) To combine multiple dictionaries into a single dictionary
d) To preserve element order in dictionaries

14. Which collections class can be subclassed to create custom list-like objects?
a) UserDict
b) UserList
c) UserString
d) namedtuple

15. What is the main use case of the UserString class in the collections module?
a) Creating ordered dictionaries
b) Implementing LRU caches
c) Manipulating string-like objects with customized behavior
d) Combining multiple dictionaries into a single dictionary

Note: The correct answers may vary based on the specific details mentioned in the post.

1. What is the purpose of the collections module in Python?
a) To provide specialized data structures
b) To handle exceptions
c) To manage file I/O operations
d) To perform mathematical calculations
Answer: a) To provide specialized data structures

2. Which class from the collections module is used for efficient counting of hashable objects?
a) Counter
b) defaultdict
c) deque
d) namedtuple
Answer: a) Counter

3. How do you create a Counter object in Python?
a) counter = Counter()
b) counter = Counter([])
c) counter = Counter({})
d) counter = Counter(iterable)
Answer: d) counter = Counter(iterable)

4. What is one practical use case of the Counter class in the collections module?
a) Frequency analysis
b) Implementing LRU caches
c) Sliding window algorithms
d) Creating ordered dictionaries
Answer: a) Frequency analysis

5. Which class from the collections module allows you to specify a default value for missing keys?
a) Counter
b) defaultdict
c) deque
d) namedtuple
Answer: b) defaultdict

6. What is a named tuple in Python?
a) A tuple with named fields
b) A dictionary with ordered elements
c) A list with named attributes
d) A custom data structure with additional functionality
Answer: a) A tuple with named fields

7. Which method is used to access elements in a named tuple using named attributes?
a) dot notation (e.g.,
b) indexing (e.g., person[0])
c) both a) and b)
d) none of the above
Answer: a) dot notation (e.g.,

8. Which advantage does a named tuple provide in terms of code readability?
a) Improved memory efficiency
b) Self-documenting structures
c) Enhanced performance
d) Simpler data manipulation
Answer: b) Self-documenting structures

9. What is the primary benefit of using an OrderedDict over a standard Python dictionary?
a) Guaranteed immutability of elements
b) Preserved insertion order of elements
c) Increased memory efficiency
d) Faster lookup operations
Answer: b) Preserved insertion order of elements

10. Which class from the collections module is suitable for combining multiple dictionaries into a single dictionary?
a) Counter
b) defaultdict
c) deque
d) ChainMap
Answer: d) ChainMap

11. In which scenario would you consider using an LRU cache implemented with an OrderedDict?
a) When preserving element order is crucial
b) When fast append and pop operations are required
c) When implementing a sliding window algorithm
d) When performing frequency analysis
Answer: b) When fast append and pop operations are required

12. Which collections class can be subclassed to create custom dictionary-like objects?
a) UserDict
b) UserList
c) UserString
d) namedtuple
Answer: a) UserDict

13. What is the purpose of the ChainMap class in the collections module?
a) To efficiently count hashable objects
b) To handle missing keys gracefully
c) To combine multiple dictionaries into a single dictionary
d) To preserve element order in dictionaries
Answer: c) To combine multiple dictionaries into a single dictionary

14. Which collections class can be subclassed to create custom list-like objects?
a) UserDict
b) UserList
c) UserString
d) namedtuple
Answer: b) UserList

15. What is the main use case of the UserString class in the collections module?
a) Creating ordered dictionaries
b) Implementing LRU caches
c) Manipulating string-like objects with customized behavior
d) Combining multiple dictionaries into a single dictionary
Answer: c) Manipulating string-like objects with customized behavior

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