String Formatting in Python Part2 -CL8

String Formatting in Python

String formatting in Python is the process of creating formatted strings by inserting values or variables into a string template. This can be done in several ways, but the most common approach in Python is to use the format() method or f-strings (formatted string literals).

There are two main ways to format strings in Python: using the format() method and using f-strings.

Here's an example of using the format() method to format a string:
.format() method 
name = "Alice" age = 30 height = 1.65 sentence = "My name is {}, I'm {} years old, and my height is {:.2f} meters.".format(name, age, height) print(sentence) # My name is Alice, I'm 30 years old, and my height is 1.65 meters.

In this example, we defined three variables name, age, and height. Then, we created a string template that includes placeholders {}, {}, and {:.2f} for these variables.

We used the format() method to insert the values of these variables into the string template. The {:.2f} specifies that the height variable should be formatted as a floating-point number with two decimal places.

Another way to format strings in Python is to use f-strings. Here's an example:
name = "Bob" age = 25 sentence = f"My name is {name}, and I'm {age} years old." print(sentence) # My name is Bob, and I'm 25 years old.

In this example, we used an f-string to create a string template. The expression inside the curly braces {} is evaluated at runtime and the result is inserted into the string.

Overall, string formatting in Python is a powerful tool that allows you to create formatted strings easily and efficiently. By using the format() method or f-strings, you can customize the output of your strings and make them look more professional.

String formatting basics (e.g., % operator, .format() method)

String formatting in Python is a way to create formatted strings by inserting values or variables into a string template. There are several ways to format strings in Python, but two of the most common approaches are using the % operator and the .format() method.

  • % operator : The % operator is an older way of formatting strings in Python. It allows you to insert values or variables into a string by using placeholders, which are represented by % followed by a character that specifies the data type of the value.

Here's an example:
% operator
name = "Alice" age = 30 sentence = "My name is %s, and I'm %d years old." % (name, age) print(sentence)

My name is Alice, and I'm 30 years old.

In this example, %s is a placeholder for a string value, and %d is a placeholder for an integer value. The values of the name and age variables are passed to the % operator as a tuple, and they are inserted into the string template in the order they appear.

  • .format() method : The .format() method is a newer way of formatting strings in Python. It allows you to insert values or variables into a string by using curly braces {} as placeholders.

Here's an example:
name = "Bob" age = 25 sentence = "My name is {}, and I'm {} years old.".format(name, age) print(sentence)

My name is Bob, and I'm 25 years old.

In this example, {} is a placeholder for any value or variable. The values of the name and age variables are passed to the .format() method as arguments, and they are inserted into the string template in the order they appear.

Both the % operator and the .format() method allow you to customize the output of your strings by specifying formatting options. For example, you can use %f or {:.2f} to format a floating-point number with two decimal places, or %05d or {:05d} to format an integer with leading zeros.

Advanced string formatting (e.g., f-strings, format specifiers)

In addition to the basic string formatting techniques such as the % operator and .format() method, Python also provides advanced string formatting options such as f-strings and format specifiers

  • f-strings : .f-strings are a relatively new way of formatting strings in Python 3.6 and above. They allow you to embed expressions inside string literals by prefixing the string with the letter f . You can use curly braces {} to insert the value of a variable or expression inside the string .
Here's an example:
name = "Alex" age = 30 sentence = f"My name is {name}, and I'm {age} years old." print(sentence)

My name is Alex, and I'm 30 years old.

In this example, we used an f-string to create a string template. The expressions inside the curly braces {} are evaluated at runtime and their results are inserted into the string
  • .Format specifiers : Format specifiers allow you to customize the format of the values you insert into a string. They are specified by adding a colon : followed by a set of formatting options inside the curly braces {}.
Here's an example:
name = "Bob" age = 25 height = 1.65 sentence = "My name is {}, and I'm {} years old. My height is {:.2f} meters.".format(name, age, height) print(sentence)


My name is Bob, and I'm 25 years old. My height is 1.65 meters.

In this example, we used the .format() method to insert the values of the name, age, and height variables into the string. We used a format specifier {:.2f} to format the height value as a floating-point number with two decimal places.

Other examples of format specifiers include:%d: Integer
%f: Floating point
%s: String
%x: Hexadecimal
%o: Octal
%e: Scientific notation
%g: Shorter of %f and %e
Python Documentation:

Overall, advanced string formattings options like f-strings and format specifiers give you more control over the formatting of your strings, allowing you to create professional-looking output.

String Format Specifier in Python Video Guide

Common use cases for string formatting (e.g., printing output, logging)

String formatting is a powerful tool in Python that is used in a variety of situations. Here are some common use cases for string formatting:
  • Printing Output: String formatting is often used to create custom output for printing. This can be especially useful when working with large datasets or complex computations. By formatting the output, you can make it more readable and easier to understand.
Printing Output Example:
name = "Alice" age = 30 print("My name is {}, and I'm {} years old.".format(name, age))
# My name is Alice, and I'm 30 years old.

  • Logging : String formatting is also commonly used in logging. Logging is the process of recording events that occur during the execution of a program. By formatting the log messages, you can make them more descriptive and easier to understand.
Logging Example
import logging name = "Bob" age = 25 logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)"My name is {}, and I'm {} years old.".format(name, age))

2023-04-26 12:00:00,000 INFO: My name is Bob, and I'm 25 years old.

  • W eb Development : String formatting is often used in web development to create dynamic web pages. By formatting the strings, you can create HTML code that is specific to the user or the data being displayed.

Web Development Example
name = "Alice" age = 30 html_code = "<p>My name is {}, and I'm {} years old.</p>".format(name, age) print(html_code)

<p>My name is Alice, and I'm 30 years old.</p>

String formatting is a powerful tool in Python that can be used in a wide range of applications. By formatting your strings, you can create clean and professional-looking output that is easy to read and understand.

Working with Unicode and Non-ASCII Characters in Python

Working with Unicode and non-ASCII characters can be a bit tricky in Python, but it's an essential skill for anyone who needs to work with text in different languages or character sets. Here are some tips for working with Unicode and non-ASCII characters in Python

Here's an example of working with Bangla language characters:
  • Unicode Strings : In Python, you can create a Unicode string that contains Bangla characters like this:
text = "আমার সোনার বাংলা" print(text)

আমার সোনার বাংলা

  • Encoding and Decoding : If you need to encode or decode a string that contains Bangla characters, you can use the UTF-8 encoding like this:
text = "আমার সোনার বাংলা" encoded_text = text.encode("utf-8") print(encoded_text)

b'\xe0\xa6\x86\xe0\xa6\xae\xe0\xa6\xbe\xe0\xa6\xb0\xe0\xa6\xbe \xe0\xa6\xb8\xe0\xa7\x8b\xe0\xa6\xa8\xe0\xa6\xbe\xe0\xa6\xb0 \xe0\xa6\xac\xe0\xa6\xbe\xe0\xa6\x82\xe0\xa6\xb2\xe0\xa6\xbe'

To decode the string back to Bangla characters, you can use the decode() method like this:
decoded_text = encoded_text.decode("utf-8") print(decoded_text)

আমার সোনার বাংলা

  • Handling Non-ASCII Characters in File Input and Output: If you're reading or writing a file that contains Bangla characters, you need to use the correct encoding. For example, to read a text file that contains Bangla characters, you can use the following code:
with open("bangla.txt", encoding="utf-8") as f: text = print(text)

আমার সোনার বাংলা

Similarly, when writing a file that contains Bangla characters, you need to use the correct encoding like this:
text = "আমার সোনার বাংলা" with open("bangla.txt", mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(text)

This will write the text to a file named "bangla.txt" using the UTF-8 encoding.

Best Practices for Working with Strings in Python

Working with strings is a common task in Python programming, and there are some best practices that can help you write efficient and readable code while avoiding common errors. Here are some tips for working with strings in Python:
  • Immutability of strings : In Python, strings are immutable, which means you cannot change the contents of a string once it's been created. This means that every time you modify a string, a new string object is created. To avoid creating unnecessary objects, you should use string methods that return a new string instead of modifying the original one.
When you use the += operator to concatenate strings, it creates a new string object each time you add a string to the existing one. This can be inefficient, especially when you're concatenating many strings.

On the other hand, the join() method is designed specifically for concatenating strings efficiently. It takes an iterable (such as a list or tuple) of strings and concatenates them into a single string using the separator string you provide.
Here's an example to illustrate the difference:
# Using the += operator to concatenate strings string = '' for i in range(10000): string += str(i) # Using the join() method to concatenate strings lst = [str(i) for i in range(10000)] string = ''.join(lst)

In the first example, the += operator creates 10000 new string objects, which can be slow and memory-intensive. In the second example, the join() method concatenates the strings efficiently without creating unnecessary objects.

Using join() instead of += is generally considered a best practice for concatenating strings in Python.

  • Concatenation vs. formatting: String concatenation involves combining two or more strings into a single string. In Python, you can concatenate strings using the + operator or the join() method. However, if you need to insert dynamic values into a string, it's better to use string formatting .

String formatting allows you to insert dynamic values into a string using placeholders. You can use the % operator, the str.format() method, or f-strings in Python 3.6+.
Here's an example using f-strings:
name = 'Alice' age = 25 message = f'My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.'

  • String performance considerations : When working with large strings, you should be mindful of performance considerations. For example, concatenating strings can be slow, especially if you are concatenating many strings in a loop. In this case, it's better to use a list to collect the strings and then join them together at the end.

  • Writing readable code with strings : To make your code more readable, you should use descriptive variable names and avoid using magic numbers or hard-coded strings. Instead, define string constants at the beginning of your code and use them throughout your program.
For example:
# Define string constants GREETING = 'Hello,' NAME_PROMPT = 'What is your name? ' # Get user's name name = input(NAME_PROMPT) # Print greeting print(f'{GREETING} {name}')

  • Avoiding common string-related errors : When working with strings, there are some common errors you should watch out for. For example, forgetting to escape special characters like backslashes or quotes can cause syntax errors. Also, be aware of Unicode and character encoding issues when working with non-ASCII characters.

To avoid these errors, you can use raw strings (r'...') to avoid escaping backslashes or use string methods like replace() to replace special characters.
# Use a raw string to avoid escaping backslashes path = r'C:\Users\username\Documents' # Replace double quotes with single quotes string = 'This is "quoted" text.' string = string.replace('"', "'")

If you are wondering what are raw strings (r'...') ?

In Python, a raw string is a string literal that is marked by the prefix r or R. When a string is prefixed with r , it indicates that backslashes ( \ ) should be treated as literal characters, rather than escape characters.

For example, consider the following string:
string = 'C:\Users\John\Documents'

This string contains backslashes, which are normally used to escape special characters. However, in this case, the backslashes are part of the file path, and we don't want them to be treated as escape characters. To avoid this problem, we can use a raw string literal by prefixing the string with r:
string = r'C:\Users\John\Documents'

Now, the backslashes are treated as literal characters, and the string will be interpreted correctly.

Raw string literals are particularly useful when working with regular expressions since regular expressions often contain many backslashes. Using raw string literals can make regular expressions more readable and less error-prone.

Here's an example that demonstrates how to use a raw string literal in a regular expression:
import re # Regular expression to match a URL url_pattern = r'http(s)?://[\w.-]+/[^\s]*' # String to search for a URL text = 'Check out this website:' # Use the regular expression to search for the URL match =, text) if match: print('Found URL:', else: print('No URL found.')

In this example, we define a regular expression to match a URL, using a raw string literal to avoid having to escape all the backslashes. We then use the function to search for the URL in a string. Because we're using a raw string literal, we don't need to escape any of the backslashes in the regular expression, which makes it more readable and easier to maintain.

How Strings are Used in Real-World Python Applications

Here are some examples of how strings are used in real-world Python applications:

  • Web scraping : Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites. Strings are used extensively in web scraping scripts to search for specific elements on a page, parse data from HTML, and clean and format data for storage or further analysis.

  • Natural language processing : Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction between computers and humans using natural language. Strings are a fundamental data type in NLP and are used for tasks such as text classification, sentiment analysis, and named entity recognition.

  • Data analysis : Strings are often used in data analysis scripts to clean and transform data. For example, strings can be used to remove unwanted characters, convert dates to a standardized format, or extract specific substrings from a larger string.

  • Game development : Strings are used extensively in game development to store and display text. For example, strings can be used to display dialogue, item names, or other in-game text.
Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates some string manipulation and formatting techniques:
# Define a string my_string = 'Hello, World!' # Convert the string to uppercase my_uppercase_string = my_string.upper() # Replace 'World' with 'Python' my_new_string = my_string.replace('World', 'Python') # Split the string into a list of words my_word_list = my_string.split() # Join the words back together with a comma separator my_new_string = ', '.join(my_word_list) # Format a string with a variable name = 'Alice' age = 30 greeting = f'Hello, my name is {name} and I am {age} years old.'

In this code snippet, we define a string (my_string) and perform several manipulations on it. We convert the string to uppercase using the upper() method, replace a substring using the replace() method, split the string into a list of words using the split() method, and join the words back together using the join() method. We also demonstrate how to format a string with a variable using an f-string (formatted string literal).

These are just a few examples of how strings are used in real-world Python applications. Strings are a fundamental data type in Python and are used extensively in many different fields and industries.

Python Quizzes: Strings in Python. Test Your Memory

  1. Which of the following is an example of a string in Python? a) 10 b) [1, 2, 3] c) "Hello, World!" d) True

  2. Which operator is used to concatenate strings in Python? a) + b) - c) * d) /

  3. Which of the following is NOT a valid string escape character in Python? a) \n b) \t c) \r d) \q

  4. Which method can be used to convert a string to uppercase in Python? a) upper() b) lower() c) title() d) swapcase()

  5. Which of the following is an example of string interpolation in Python? a) "Hello, {}".format("Alice") b) "Hello, " + "Alice" c) "Hello, Alice".replace("Alice", "Bob") d) "Hello, Alice".split()

  6. Which method can be used to remove whitespace from the beginning and end of a string in Python? a) strip() b) lstrip() c) rstrip() d) none of the above

  7. Which of the following is a valid way to define a multiline string in Python? a) "Hello,\nWorld!" b) "Hello, World!" c) """Hello,\nWorld!""" d) 'Hello,\nWorld!'

  8. Which of the following is an example of string slicing in Python? a) my_string.upper() b) my_string.replace("World", "Python") c) my_string[0:5] d) my_string.split()

  9. Which method can be used to find the index of a substring in a string in Python? a) find() b) index() c) search() d) locate()

  10. Which of the following is an example of a raw string in Python? a) "C:\Program Files\Python\" b) "C:/Program Files/Python/" c) r"C:\Program Files\Python" d) r"C:/Program Files/Python/"

  11. Which operator can be used to repeat a string a specified number of times in Python? a) + b) - c) * d) /

  12. Which of the following methods can be used to split a string into a list of substrings in Python? a) split() b) join() c) replace() d) index()

  13. Which method can be used to replace a substring in a string with another substring in Python? a) replace() b) join() c) split() d) index()

  14. Which of the following is an example of string formatting with the .format() method in Python? a) "Hello, {}".format("Alice") b) "Hello, " + "Alice" c) "Hello, Alice".replace("Alice", "Bob") d) "Hello, Alice".split()

  15. Which method can be used to check if a string starts with a specified substring in Python? a) startswith() b) endswith() c) find() d) index()

I hope these quiz questions help you reinforce your understanding of strings in Python! keep reading to get all the answers.

  1. Which of the following is an example of a string in Python? Answer: c) "Hello, World!"

  2. Which operator is used to concatenate strings in Python? Answer: a) +

  3. Which of the following is NOT a valid string escape character in Python? Answer: d) \q

  4. Which method can be used to convert a string to uppercase in Python? Answer: a) upper()

  5. Which of the following is an example of string interpolation in Python? Answer: a) "Hello, {}".format("Alice")

  6. Which method can be used to remove whitespace from the beginning and end of a string in Python? Answer: a) strip()

  7. Which of the following is a valid way to define a multiline string in Python? Answer: c) """Hello,\nWorld!"""

  8. Which of the following is an example of string slicing in Python? Answer: c) my_string[0:5]

  9. Which method can be used to find the index of a substring in a string in Python? Answer: a) find()

  10. Which of the following is an example of a raw string in Python? Answer: c) r"C:\Program Files\Python"

  11. Which operator can be used to repeat a string a specified number of times in Python? d) *

  12. Which of the following methods can be used to split a string into a list of substrings in Python? a) split()

  13. Which method can be used to replace a substring in a string with another substring in Python? a) replace()

  14. Which of the following is an example of string formatting with the .format() method in Python? a) "Hello, {}".format("Alice")

  15. Which method can be used to check if a string starts with a specified substring in Python? a) startswith()

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