Dr. Ron Young, Founder and Board Chair of . Ron specializes in psychological coaching & transition consulting.

In the business world, do we require people from different cultures to act American? We do not. Instead, organizations provide cross-cultural awareness so that communication between cultures can happen.

Companies are learning about the benefits of understanding different worldviews. Best practices in diversity, equity and inclusion continue to evolve, and the number of protected classes continues to increase. As organizations move toward more inclusive workplaces, I believe they should acknowledge and celebrate another type of diversity: neurodiversity.

The Merriam-Webster defines diverge as "to move or extend in different directions from a common point." Neurodiverse individuals' worldviews and behaviors diverge from common, mainstream social norms and societal institutions.

Neurotypical norms are not the only valid way to be. Rather, neurological differences should be recognized and respected as a natural part of human diversity, like race, gender or sexual orientation. As a psychological coach, I use assessments to identify how individual needs and behaviors differ so that people can experience mutual understanding and respect.


The Neurodivergent Brain

Research finds that around of the population is neurodivergent and that neurodivergent brains work differently than neurotypical brains. A published by the Cleveland Clinic states that differences may be found in social preferences, ways of perceiving the environment and ways of communicating.

Neurodivergent individuals may have brain structure, function or chemistry variations that can affect their cognition, behavior and sensory processing. Neurodivergent brains, specifically the brains of those with autism, tend to have than neurotypical brains. In an article from NIH's National Center for Biotechnology Information, Palau-Baduell, et al. (2012) found that in autistic brains differ from those in neurotypical brains.

The neurodivergent brain is hyperaware, allowing more sensory input and taking in more data. Neural pathways in the neurodivergent mind fire more rapidly and frequently than in the neurotypical mind. It constantly scans and processes the internal and external environment and creates connections between these data points. If data points were stars, the neurodivergent mind creates new constellations.

Privilege And Unconscious Bias

When trying to communicate with neurotypicals, neurodivergent people encounter two cultural barriers.

The refers to the difficulty that neurodivergent people have in understanding and empathizing with neurotypical individuals and the parallel difficulty that neurotypical individuals have in understanding and empathizing with individuals with autism. It is a two-way issue.

is the unique and unearned advantage afforded to those with the most common cognitive expression. It is wrongly assumed that neurotypical communication styles are superior because they are the majority. But common does not mean superior; rare can be valuable. Based on evidence from their lives, many that Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Vincent Van Gogh and Thomas Jefferson were neurodivergent. Their unique way of thinking allowed them to make scientific breakthroughs, create beautiful art, write the Declaration of Independence and develop the theory of relativity.

Closing The Gap In Communication

The path forward requires leveling the playing field by acknowledging the fact that neurodivergent people often have different communication styles than neurotypical people. By recognizing and adapting to these different communication styles, we can avoid misunderstandings, build trust and foster better connections with those around us.

In my observation, small talk, humor, sarcasm and gossip may be misunderstood by neurodivergent people. It's better to ask specific (not open-ended) questions and to clearly state your feelings, leaving nothing to interpretation.

Keep instructions short and precise, and prioritize them in order of importance. Ensure understanding of assignment parameters, priorities, time, precision, innovation and robustness. When neurodivergent people start an assignment, they may discover new inefficiencies, vulnerabilities and unintended consequences, so encourage frequent communication, like reaching out with additional questions.

When scheduling time for a critical discussion with neurodivergent individuals, provide an itinerary in advance. Essential conversations can lead to heightened emotions and charged wording. Promote the best outcomes by stating communication goals and desired feedback. Clearly state the reasoning and context for the conversation. Be very direct, but use neutral delivery.

Why This Is Important

The unique and unusual strengths of neurodivergent people enable them to visualize, think and solve problems differently than neurotypicals. They bring other valuable strengths to a team, like attention to detail, analytical thinking and creativity. Embracing neurodivergence on your team also limits groupthink.

Under the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, neurodiversity is a protected class. Best practices in DEI require addressing equity and inclusion with neurodivergent individuals just as much as with race, religion, gender, national origin, etc.

Neurotypical communication styles are not superior just because they are the majority. Neurodivergent styles are different but not deficient. Awareness of this protects against the double empathy problem and neurotypical privilege, which contribute to the lack of mutual understanding between neurotypicals and the neurodiverse.

The path forward requires leveling the playing field by embracing these different communication styles, fostering empathy and redefining leadership models to accommodate more perspectives. Effective leaders will emphasize and leverage the strengths of neurodivergent individuals to bring value to the organization.

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