25 years of SAP. Systems architecture, integration, SAP Store solutions.

Order entry initiates a complex series of processes at multiple touchpoints to fulfill what you've promised. Unfortunately, each touchpoint is an opportunity for inefficiencies and error—particularly if you rely on human workflows.

Distributors rely heavily on people to complete these processes. What are the costs of manual processes on your business?

The Complexities Of Order Management

Sales order management is intense. The challenges include:

• Complex and ever-changing supply chain challenges. Your business relies on multiple suppliers, each with its own systems, processes and requirements.

• Inventory management is a synchronization nightmare. Varying product stock levels and replenishment cycles demand careful planning and forecasting to avoid stockouts or inefficient overstocking.


• Order size and processes vary by channel. You must systematize as many workflows as possible while allowing flexibility to handle order size, product types and changing customer demands. If you have 1,000 reps completing 30 orders a day, your systems must handle and coordinate more than 30,000 data points—each one unique.

• Speed and communication are symbiotic. Order management requires seamless communication to resolve fulfillment issues affecting customers.

• Returns and post-sales service add another layer of complexity. Efficiently managing the reverse logistics necessary to handle returns is one problem. However, you also must ensure customer satisfaction—a time-consuming and delicate dance.

Despite technological advances, many companies continue to use manual processes, which create risk and are time-consuming. Consider that manual data entry has a generally . Many purchase orders (POs) arrive via email, requiring the customer service representative (CSR) to manually enter the data into an order management system (OMS). Even a 1% error rate can negatively impact a low-margin, high-competition business.

Some of the challenges inherent in manual sales order processing include:

• Errors. Manual order entry processes can be slower and more prone to errors, especially when compared with automated systems. Mistakes such as incorrect product selection or shipping address inaccuracies can lead to delays in order processing, resulting in longer lead times, dissatisfied customers and an unhappy sales team.

• Kills repeat business. Keeping and growing an existing customer account is much more cost-effective than prospecting for new ones. Manual order entry and fulfillment processes may not provide the same speed, visibility and accuracy that customers expect today, increasing the risk of a suboptimal customer experience.

• Harder to keep up with demand spikes. Manual processes may limit a distributor’s ability to handle large order volumes or sudden demand spikes. Manual data entry, order verification and fulfillment create bottlenecks and capacity constraints.

• Custom orders are unwieldy. Complex or customized orders often result in delays, as manual processes make it harder to accurately capture and fulfill intricate product configurations, special requests or order variations.

As customer demands grow and unexpected disruptions increase, distributors must adapt their internal operations to streamline processes and improve accuracy. Time and accuracy are important variables in determining the profitability of a business organization.

Where To Start With Order Management Automation

Beginning the journey toward an automated order management strategy is about more than technology. Organizations must align their people and processes with the right technology to get the most from automation.

Start with a systems readiness check to ensure that your existing systems are ready for change. Look at factors such as compatibility, sizing, integrations and business processes. Then, implement a data cleanse. There are tools designed to clean inaccurate customer and material data. If your data is inaccurate, inconsistent or incomplete, you won’t get the ROI you are seeking from automation.

Conduct a custom code usage analysis. It is important to understand the performance impact and quality of your custom code and compatibility with automation tools. As a side note, most organizations use only a small percentage of their custom code. Additionally, change management is always an important factor, and steps can be taken to lay a good foundation here.

Implement strategies to increase buy-in, and explain the why. Communicate the tangible benefits at the user level as well as the business benefits. Maintain clear goals and remind the team and the users throughout the implementation.

Automation is an important piece of the solution, but distributors must be strategic in their adoption of these tools. Small tests, limited user groups or rollouts are not good options for modern automation backed by machine learning and artificial intelligence. These models require volume to learn. Real ROI is achievable, and intelligent automation will impact your productivity.

Outdated technologies lack scalability and integration with modern systems. They rely on manual input from a large workforce. Consider automation in your business processes—specifically, in your sales processes. Sales drive your company. Drive your sales with automated processes that can, in turn, boost your bottom line.

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